The fee will include conference organization, boarding (2x lunch, 2x dinner including a conference dinner, cofee breaks and publication fee for special issue of Chemické listy with full texts (issued after the conference). The fee is 3990 CZK (approximately 155 EUR) and shall be sent by bank transfer to the account specified below not later than October 1, 2009. After this date, an increased fee, 4500 CZK, will be charged.
In case of using different currency (EUR), please take into account all conversion and/or bank transfer fees. Make sure that they are included in the amount sent to organizers. The total amount delivered to the account must be at least 3990 CZK, otherwise an extra charge payable in advance or on-site at the registration desk (in CZK) will be prescribed to the participant.

Bank account No.: 19-5504610227/0100
Bank account name: ČVUT PRAHA STAVEBNÍ FAKULTA, ZIKOVA 4, 166 36 PRAHA 6
Bank name: KOMERČNÍ BANKA, A. S.
Bank Address: DEJVICKÁ 5, 160 59 PRAHA 6
IBAN: CZ7601000000195504610227

Add information for recipient: Your name and number 940050xx, in which xx will be assigned to you by organizers after the submission of your final registration. On-site payment of the registration fee will be possible only in CZK and in an increased amount 4500 CZK.

LMV 2009