General sponsor
Final program
7th November Wednesday
11:00 - 13:00 Registration of participants
13:00 - 13:30 Opening ceremony
  Residual stresses, microstructure
13:30 - 14:00 Invited lecture
Ganev N.
X-ray diffraction residual stress analysis of polycrystalline materials in local and global scale
14:00 - 14:30 Haušild P., Materna A., Nohava J.
Effect of crystallographic orientation on hardness and indentation modulus in austenitic stainless steel
Materna A., Nohava J., Haušild P., Oliva V.
Determination of the local elastic-plastic properties of 15CH2MFA steel with austenite cladding
14:30 - 15:00 Coffee break Poster Session I
15:00 - 15:45 Martinkovič M., Václav Š.
Estimation of local plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials
Ramazani A., Prahl U., Bleck W., Pinard P., Schwedt A., Aretz A.
Microstructure based failure model DP steels using XFEM
Duszová A., Halgaš R., Bľadla M., Hvizdoš P., Lofaj F., Dusza J.
Nano-hardness of individual phases in WC – Co cemented carbides
15:45 - 16:15 Edlin Company presentation
17:00 Dinner
19:00 Collegium Technicum choir - Concert
Concert program
8th November Thursday
Plastics, fibers
8:30 - 9:00 Invited lecture
Militky J.
Characterization of Polypropylene Staple Yarns by Acoustic Dynamic Modulus
9:00 - 9:45 Němeček J.
Nanoindentation applied to materials with an inner structure
Manas D., Ovsik M., Manas M., Stanek M., Sanda S. , Bednarik M., Kratky P.
Ionizing radiation effect of PMMA measured by microhardness
Rusnáková S., Žaludek M., Fojtl L.
Design and verification of sandwich structures for high-speed trains
9:45 - 10:15 mt-m Company presentation
Jan Hubert Measuring of local mechanical properties using the Bruker UMT system
10:15 - 10:45 Coffee break Poster Session II
  Films and coatings
10:45 - 12:00 Lofaj F., Dusza J., Duszová A.
The evolution of the indent morphology in WC-Co During indentation fatigue using AFM
Hay J., Agee P., Pfaff H.
Express test- a novel technique for rapid acquisition and mapping of accurate mechanical properties
Anisimov E., Puchnin M.
Heat treated surface layer of Ti-6Al-4V alloy as the interlayer for DLC coating
Řičánková V., Čelko L., Švejcar J.
Changes in microstructure of remelted air plasma sprayed NiCrAlY coating after short thermal exposure in air
Buršíková V., Buršík J., Vašina P., Souček P., Zábranský L.
Study of the indentation response of the nanocomposite TiC/a-C:H coating
12:00 - 13:30 Lunch and Conference photo
  Testing methods, global vs. local
13:30 - 14:30 Černý I.
Measurement of local initiation, early growth and retardation of physically short fatigue cracks using amended DCPD method
Jasiński W.
Superalloys doped rare earth elements stability
Jonšta P., Maršálek P., Havlík J., Jonšta Z.
The influence of filler root surface treatment on bending fatigue test results of hardened gears
Petrenec M., Vraspírová E., Němec K., Kuběnová M.
Effect of cyclic heat treatment on cast structure of TiAl alloy
14:30 - 15:00 CSM Company presentation
Nohava J.: Development and use of nanoindentation system for use at elevated temperatures
15:00 - 15:30 Coffee break
15:30 - 16:30 Menčík J.
Limitations of similarity principle in mechanical testing of small samples
Menčík J., Elstner M.
Indentation size effects in ductile and brittle materials
Anisimov E., Puchnin M., Horník J., Sachr P.
Reduction of elastic modulus of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V by quenching
16:15 - 16:45 JEOL Company presentation
Okayama K.: Overview of latest analytical instrument from JEOL
16:45 - 17:15 Coffee break
17:15 - 18:00 Lukeš J., Šepitka J., Řezníček J.
Analysis of composite shrinkage stresses on 3D premolar models with different cavity design using finite element method
Halgaš R., Dusza J., Kovácsová L., Kaiferová J., Markovská N.
Influence of loading conditions on the deformation behaviour of human enamel studied by instrumented indentation
Valach J., Petráňová V., Kytýř D., Fenclová N.,
Jahoda J.
Evaluation of local plastic flow in the vicinity of indentation by the means of DIC applied on SEM micrographs
20:00 Gala dinner Poster evaluation
9th November Friday
Technologies and applications
9:00 - 9:30 Al Ali M., Tomko M., Demjan I.
Development of plastic zones during thermal welding cycle
Šohaj P., Jan V.
Local changes of microhardness during high temperature exposure of dissimilar welds joints
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30 - 11:00 Kaczmar J.W., Wojtkowiak M., Stachowicz M.,
Granat K.
Manufacturing of composite materials copper-alumina from mechanically alloyed powders
Puškár M., Bigoš P., Pešek L., Kopas M.
Simulation of local stress and deformation causing cracks in cylinder of a combustion engine
9:00 - 11:00 mt-m and Bruker workshop
11:00 - 11:30 Closing ceremony
11:30 Warm buffet

This programme is subject to change and the organizers reserve the right to alter the session topics, timings and speakers.
Poster Session I+II
Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.
Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Cu-Co Alloys after severe plastic deformation
Cieśla M., Mutwil K.
Fatigue cracking processes of a thick-walled component of a chemical pipeline
Csach K., Miškuf J., Juríková A.
Fracture stress of ultrahigh strength ribbons determined by microhardness
Hurtalová L., Tillová E., Chalupová E.,
Microstructural and Vickers microhardness evolution of heat treated secondary aluminium cast alloy
Hutař P., Ševčík M., Lach R., Knésl Z., Náhlík L., Grellmann W.,
Description of the local material properties close to the butt weld
Juríková A., Csach K., Miškuf J.
Creep modified structural relaxation of Fe-based amorphous alloy
Kolařík L., Kolaříková M., Vondrouš P., Novák P.,
Mechanical properties of difusion heterogeneous weld joints titanium – austenitic steel
Kolaříková M., Chotěborský R., Bryksí B., Savková J.
Mechanical properties of Fe-B steels
Kolaříková M., Kolařík L., Vondrouš P.
Mechanical properties of molybdenum weld joints produced by EBW and GTAW methods
Kostelecká M., Vokáč M.
The resistance tests of glass-cement plates in high temperatures
Miškuf J., Csach K., Juríková A., Tabachnikova E., Bengus V.
Local deformation of microsized amorphous powder at low temperatures
Shvab R., Hvizdoš P., Dudrová E., Bergman O., Bengtsson S.,
Local mechanical properties of cast and sintered high Cr-alloyed steel
Slota J., Jurčišin M., Spišák E.,
Experimental and numerical analysis of deep drawing process using explicit and implicit strategies
Strečková M., Bureš R., Fáberová M.
Characterization of soft magnetic materials based on different ferromagnetic materials
Šestáková L.
Using the multi-parameter fracture mechanics for more accurate description of stress-displacement crack-tip fields
Šmíd M., Obrtlík K.,
Surface relief evolution in IN792-5A Nickel superalloy under high temperature fatigue straining with hold times
Bednarik M., Manas D., Ovsik M., Manas M., Stanek, Sanda S., Kratky P.
Effect of beta irradiation on the strenght of bonded joints of HDPE
Bláhová O., Bublíková P.
Evaluation of Au thin film on polyethylene and glass
Čtvrtlík R., Kulikovsky V., Tomáštík J.
Nanoindentation-induced phase transformation in silicon thin films
Evin E., Tomáš M.,
Local Tribological Characteristics of Fe/Zn coated steel sheets
Houdková Š., Bláhová O., Kašparová M.
The variation of mechanical properties of WC-based HVOF sprayed coatings with respect to the Co Content
Hutařová S., Obrtlík K., Truhlář M., Janová D., Kuběna I., Podrábský T.
Nanoindentation properties of protective Al diffusion coating on INCONEL 713LC superalloy
Mikšovský J., Kutílek P., Remsa J., Tolde Z., Jelínek M.
Mechanical properties of TiO2 thin films
Písařík P., Jelínek M., Kocourek T., Zemek J., Lukeš J., Šepitka J.
Influence of DLC bonds on mechanical properties of DLC thin films
Szymański K., Moskal G.
Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of WC – based coatings obtained by different high velocity method
Zdravecká E., Marton M., Vojs M., Veselý M., Tkáčová J.
Influence of continuous and intermittent sliding movement on different wear mechanism of thin carbon films
Zlámal P., Doktor T., Jiroušek O., Jandejsek I.
Verification of numerical model for trabecular tissue using compression test and time-lapse X-ray radiography based on material model determined from three-point bending test of single trabecula
Biedunkiewicz A., Biedunkiewicz W., Figiel P., Grzesiak D.
Mechanical properties of metal matrix nanocomposites synthesized by selective laser melting
Fojtl L., Rusnáková S., Žaludek M.,
Design and testing of HPL sandwich structure for facing applications
Minster J., Králík V., Němeček J.
Temperature influence on microindentation data of a viscoelastic material
Majer Z., Náhlík L.
Influence of particle shape on micro-crack behavior in polymer composites filled by rigid particles
Romelczyk B., Brynk T., Jurczyk-Kowalska M., Pakiela Z.
The polyamide reinforcement influence of mechanical properties of flourocarbon rubbers exposed in agresive enviroment
Sedláček R., Suchý T., Sochor M., Balík K., Sucharda Z., Šepitka J.,
Effect of sterilization processes on the fiber/matrix interphase properties of CF/PDMS composite to be used in orthopaedics
Tesárek P., Ryprová P., Rácová Z., Králik V., Němeček J., Kromka A., Nežerka V.
Mechanical properties of single and double-layered PVA nanofibers
Žaludek M., Rusnáková S.,
Mechanical behavior of HPL composites
Fíla T., Kytýř D., Koudelka P., Doktor T., Zlámal P., Jiroušek O.
Micro-mechanical testing of metal foam cell walls using miniature three point bending
Sucharda Z., Suchý T., Sedláček R., Balík K., Šepitka J., Sochor M.
Characterization of the interphase in carbon fiber reinforced polymeric composite by a modulus mapping test
Hlebová S., Ambriško L., Pešek L.
Strain measurement in local volume by non-contact videoextensometric technique on ultra high strength steels
Milosevic M., Mitrovic N., Miletic V., Tatic U., Momcilovic N., Sedmak A.
Analysis of composite shrinkage stresses on 3D premolar models with different cavity design using finite element method
Mitrovic N., Milosevic M., Momcilovic N., Petrovic A., Miskovic Z.,Sedmak A.,
Local strain and stress analysis of globe valve housing subjected to external axial loading
Kašiarová M., Vilčeková Z., Ghillányová K., Hnatko M., Dusza J., Šajgalík P.
Mechanical properties of porous silicon nitride
Koudelka P., Valach J., Doktor T., Kytýř D.,
Material testing of natural stones used in historical buildings based on scanning electron microscopy and nanoindentation
Kupková M., Zeleňák A., Oriňáková R.
Hardness of sintered samples with microgradient structure
Moskal G.
Influence of long-term high temperature annealing on durability and microstructure of SM2ZR2O7 TBC system
Kaščák Ľ., Spišák E.
Effect of welding parameters on the quality of spot welds combining AHSS steel and HSLA steel
Koleňák R., Martinkovič M.
Determination of mechanical properties of active solder alloys using the measuring method “small punch test"
Accepted papers
Development of plastic zones during welding thermal welding cycle
Al Ali M., Tomko M., Demjan I.
Reduction of elastic modulus of titanium alloy TI-6AL-4V by quenching
Anisimov E., Puchnin M.
Heat treated surface layer of TI-6AL-4V alloy as the interlayer for DLC coating
Anisimov E., Puchnin M., Horník J., Sachr P.
Effect of beta irradiation on the strength of bonded joints of HDPE
Bednarik M., Manas D., Ovsik M., Manas M., Stanek, Sanda S., Kratky P.
Mechanical properties of metal matrix nanocomposites synthesized by selective laser melting
Biedunkiewicz A., Biedunkiewicz W., Figiel P., Grzesiak D.
Evaluation of Au thin film on polyethylene and glass
Bláhová O., Bublíková P.
Change in mechanical properties of weldclads after cyclic thermal loading
Brezinová J., Guzanová A., Balog P., Viňáš J.
DIC based method of crack growth rate and fracture toughness measurements in mini-samples
Brynk T., Laptiev A., Tolohyn O., Pakiela Z.
Microstructure and local mechanical properties of Cu-Co Alloys after severe plastic deformation
Buršík J., Buršíková V., Svoboda M., Král P., Dvořák J., Sklenička V.
Study of the indentation response of the nanocomposite TiC/a-C:H coating
Buršíková V., Buršík J., Vašina P., Souček P., Zábranský L.
Fatigue cracking processes of a thick-walled component of a chemical pipeline
Cieśla M., Mutwil K.
Fracture stress of ultrahigh strength ribbons determined by microhardness
Csach K., Miškuf J., Juríková A.
Measurement of local initiation, early growth and retardation of physically short fatigue cracks using amended DCPD method
Černý I.
Nanoindentation-induced phase transformation in silicon thin films
Čtvrtlík R., Kulikovsky V., Tomáštík J.
Nano-hardness of individual phases in WC – Co cemnted carbides
Duszová A., Bľadla M., Hvizdoš P., Lofaj F., Dusza J.
Local Tribological Characteristics of Fe/Zn coated steel sheets
Evin E., Tomáš M.
Micro-mechanical testing of metal foam cell walls using miniature three point bending
Fíla T., Kytýř D., Koudelka P., Doktor T., Zlámal P., Jiroušek O.
Design and testing of HPL sandwich structure for facing applications
Fojtl L., Rusnáková S., Žaludek M.
Influence of loading conditions on the deformation behaviour of human enamel studied by instrumented indentation
Halgaš R., Dusza J., Kovácsová L., Kaiferová J., Markovská N.
Effect of crystallographic orientation on hardness and indentation modulus in austenitic stainless steel
Haušild P., Materna A., Nohava J.
Express test- a novel technique for rapid acquisition and mapping of accurate mechanical properties
Hay J., Agee P., Pfaff H.
Strain measurement in local volume by non-contact videoextensometric technique on ultra high strength steels
Hlebová S., Ambriško L., Pešek L.
The variation of mechanical properties of WC-based HVOF sprayed coatings with respect to the Co Content
Houdková Š., Bláhová O., Kašparová M.
Microstructural and Vickers microhardness evolution of heat treated secondary aluminium cast alloy
Hurtalová L., Tillová E., Chalupová E.
Description of the local material properties close to the butt weld
Hutař P., Ševčík M., Lach R., Knésl Z., Náhlík L., Grellmann W.
Nanoindentation properties of protective AL diffusion coating on INCONEL 713LC superalloy
Hutařová S., Obrtlík K., Truhlář M., Janová D., Kuběna I., Podrábský T.
Superalloys doped rare earth elements stability
Jasiński W.
The influence of filler root surface treatment on bending fatigue test results of hardened gears
Jonšta P., Maršálek P., Havlík J.
Creep modified structural relaxation of Fe-Based amorphous alloy
Juríková A., Csach K., Miškuf J.
Manufacturing of composite materials copper-alumina from mechanically alloyed powders
Kaczmar J.W., Wojtkowiak M., Stachowicz M., Granat K.
Effect of welding parameters on the quality of spot welds combining AHSS steel and HSLA steel
Kaščák Ľ., Spišák E.
Mechanical properties of porous silicon nitride
Kašiarová M., Vilčeková Z., Ghillányová K., Hnatko M., Dusza J., Šajgalík P.
Mechanical properties of difusion heterogeneous weld joins titanium – austenitic steel
Kolařík L., Kolaríková M., Vondrouš P., Novák P.
Mechanical properties of FE-B steels
Kolaříková M., Chotěborský R., Bryksí B., Savková J.
Mechanical properties of molybdenum weld joins produced by EBW and GTAW methods
Kolaříková M., Kolařík L., Vondrouš P.
Determination of mechanical properties of active solder alloys using the measuring method “small punch test"
Koleňák R., Martinkovič M.
The resistance tests of glass-cement plates in high temperatures
Kostelecká M., Vokáč M.
Material testing of natural stones used in historical buildings based on scanning electron microscopy and nanoindentation
Koudelka P., Valach J., Doktor T., Kytýř D.
Hardness of sintered samples with microgradient structure
Kupková M., Zeleňák A., Oriňáková R.
The evolution of the indent morphology in WC-Co During indentation fatigue using AFM
Lofaj F., Dusza J., Duszová A.
Biaxial nanoindenatation of bilogical tissues
Lukeš J., Šepitka J., Řezníček J.
Influence of particle shape on micro-crack behavior in polymer composites filled by rigid particles
Majer Z., Náhlík L.
Ionizing radiation effect of PMMA measured by microhardness
Manas D., Ovsik M., Manas M., Stanek M., Sanda S. , Bednarik M., Kratky P.
Estimation of local plastic deformation of polycrystalline materials
Martinkovič M., Václav Š.
Determination of the local elastic-plastic properties of 15CH2MFA steel with austenite cladding
Materna A., Nohava J., Haušild P., Oliva V.
Limitations of similarity principle in mechanical testing of small samples
Menčík J.
Indentation size effects in ductile and brittle materials
Menčík J., Elstner M.
Mechanical properties of TiO2 thin films
Mikšovský J., Kutílek P., Remsa J., Tolde Z., Jelínek M.
Analysis of composite shrinkage stresses on 3D premolar models with different cavity design using finite element method
Milosevic M., Mitrovic N., Miletic V., Tatic U., Momcilovic N., Sedmak A.
Temperature influence on microindentation data of a viscoelastic material
Minster J., Králík V., Němeček J.
Local deformation of microsized amorphous powder at low temperatures
Miškuf J., Csach K., Juríková A., Tabachnikova E., Bengus V.
Local strain and stress analysis of globe valve housing subjected to external axial loading
Mitrovic N., Milosevic M., Momcilovic N., Petrovic A., Miskovic Z.,Sedmak A.
Influence of long-term high temperature annealing on durability and microstructure of SM2ZR2O7 TBC system
Moskal G.
Nanoindentation applied to materials with an inner structure
Němeček J.
Effect of beta irradiation on microhardness of polyamide 6
Ovsik M., Manas D., Manas M., Stanek M., Sanda S., Bednarik M., Kratky P.
Effect of cyclic heat treatment on cast structure of TiAl alloy
Petrenec M., Vraspírová E., Němec K., Kuběnová M.
Influence of DLC bonds on mechanical properties of DLC thin films
Písařík P., Jelínek M., Kocourek T., Zemek J., Lukeš J., Šepitka J.
Simulation of local stress and deformation causing cracks in cylinder of a combustion engine
Puškár M., Bigoš P., Pešek L., Kopas M.
Microstructure based failure model DP steels using XFEM
Ramazani A., Prahl U., Bleck W., Pinard P., Schwedt A., Aretz A.
The polyamide reinforcement influence of mechanical properties of flourocarbon rubbers exposed in agresive enviroment
Romelczyk, B. Brynk T., Jurczyk-Kowalska M., Pakiela Z.
Design and verification of sandwich structures for high-speed trains
Rusnáková S., Žaludek M., Fojtl L.
Changes in microstructure of remelted air plasma sprayed nicraly coating after short thermal exposure in air
Řičánková V., Čelko L., Švejcar J.
Effect of sterilization processes on the fiber/matrix interphase properties of CF/PDMS composite to be used in orthopaedics
Sedláček R., Suchý T., Sochor M., Balík K., Sucharda Z., Šepitka J.
Local mechanical properties of cast and sintered high Cr-alloyed steel
Shvab R., Hvizdoš P., Dudrová E., Bergman O., Bengtsson S.
Experimental and numerical analysis of deep drawing process using explicit and implicit strategies
Slota J., Jurčišin M., Spišák E.
Characterization of soft magnetic materials base on different ferromagnetic material and modified phenolic resin.
Strečková M., Bureš M., Fáberová M.
Characterization of the interphase in carbon fiber reinforced polymeric composite by a modulus mapping test
Sucharda Z., Suchý T., Sedláček R., Balík K., Šepitka J., Sochor M.
Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of WC – based coatings obtained by different high velocity method
Szymański K., Moskal G.
Using the multi-parameter fracture mechanics for more accurate description of stress/displacement crack-tip fields
Šestáková L.
Surface relief evolution in IN792-5A Nickel superalloy under high temperature fatigue straining with hold times
Šmíd M., Obrtlík K.
Local changes of microhardness during high temperature exposure of dissimilar welds joints
Šohaj P., Jan V.
Mechanical properties of single and double-layered PVA nanofibers
Tesárek P., Ryparová P., Rácová Z., Králik V., Nemeček J., Kromka A., Nežerka V.
Evaluation of local plastic flow in the vicinity of indentation by the means of DIC applied on SEM micrographs
Valach J., Petráňová V., Kytýř D., Fenclová N., Jahoda J.
Influence of continuous and intermittent sliding movement on different wear mechanism of thin carbon films
Zdravecká E., Marton M., Vojs M., Veselý M., Tkáčová J.
Verification of numerical model for trabecular tissue using compression test and time-lapse X-ray radiography based on material model determined from three-point bending test of single trabecula
Zlámal P., Doktor T., Jiroušek O., Jandejsek I.
Mechanical behavior of HPL composites
Žaludek M., Rusnáková S.